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So yeah, here’s some sort of a ->PRESIDENTIAL ASSASSINATION<- strip to amusingly coincide with the visit of Barack Obama here in Norway! Of course, it’s not meant as a — Oh, hold on, there’s someone at the do–
So yeah, here’s some sort of a ->PRESIDENTIAL ASSASSINATION<- strip to amusingly coincide with the visit of Barack Obama here in Norway! Of course, it’s not meant as a — Oh, hold on, there’s someone at the do–
the creator commentary under the comic made it all the more funny!
Hah yeah, it was probably the main reason for me wanting to do this strip. By the way, I might do a “reboot” of this one at one point, although just not anytime soon.
Just read through the archives. Nice stuff. Also, this was hilarious. Hope they don’t cavity search you. Secret Service tends to like that stuff.
That’s one powerful fake sniper.
Reminds me a lot of the PBF comic “Mime City”: http://pbfcomics.com/?cid=PBF114-Mime_City.gif
I echo Mrh?. Quite a few of these comics are a lot like some of the Perry Bible comics.