Aww. Click here for more woes regarding inabilities to hang up during phone conversations.
Oh, and the title of this strip references an awesome viola/drums duo with the same name from Montreal, Canada.
Aww. Click here for more woes regarding inabilities to hang up during phone conversations.
Oh, and the title of this strip references an awesome viola/drums duo with the same name from Montreal, Canada.
There is something deeply troubling about the tags: prison, romance. Is there perhaps a fifth panel that didn’t make the cut because it was censored by the FAA?
I meant the FCC, I don’t think the FAA cares so much about censorship as they do about planes staying above ground :X
What’s wrong with the tags?
Clearly there is romance between the two characters.
And clearly they are in a prison.
The fifth panel should clearly be the poor guy with the glasses being dragged off to the gallows.
Hehe the nice misdirection there.
wahahahaha, this made had a pretty good laugh xD
I had the previous strip somewhat in my mind, so I wondered if there’d be a couple of skeletons in the final panel. (Yes, somehow I managed to not glance ahead and ruin the joke.) So this was another success. I’m just going to have to declare that Optipess is reliably funny.
Enhver som refererer til obskurt Constellation-band i stripe-tittel får stjerne i min bok! Var forøvrig via musikk jeg kom over denne siden også, ved å søke på hvem andre i Norge-nettverket på Facebook som hadde Tarentel listet som favorittmusikk (du var den eneste som kom opp). Uansett, morsomme striper, fortsett sånn!
Thanks, gang!
I assumed Yacine hinted towards the notion that marriage is an institution. I could be wrong, though!
@Georg: Hah, artig rute Ã¥ ta for Ã¥ havne her. Men skammelig at vi er de eneste Tarentel-tilhengerne — her mÃ¥ det glade budskap om obskur post-rock spres til resten av Norge. Men ja, takktakk – og read on!
I was trying to hint prison rape, but I guess I should’ve been clearer!
Ah, of course! I guess I was confused by the fact that prison rape very rarely is just “hinted” at. :P