Big Love
Happy Valentine’s Day! If you’re planning to spill your guts to your crush like in this comic, be sure to tone it down slightly.
Happy Valentine’s Day! If you’re planning to spill your guts to your crush like in this comic, be sure to tone it down slightly.
Did it became a black hole?
Actually, by the 6th panel it had transcended a Black Hole: I took it to be the counter to the Big Bang, the “Big Crunch”, where the expansion of the universe ends, and re-contracts back down to one single point (in this case, His love), to assumably beget another Big Bang, creating the next universe….
Thanks for the writeup! As always, Optipess strives to be scientifically accurate, hah.
As long as someone got a Big Bang out of it! (or the cosmological equiv of a dry hump)
hahahaha, this is wonderful
well,that’s what happen when you love someone so blindly