Still somewhat sick, in fact I had planned to skip this update until the painkillers suddenly kicked in. Medication works! (At least cold medicine.)
Still somewhat sick, in fact I had planned to skip this update until the painkillers suddenly kicked in. Medication works! (At least cold medicine.)
I wanted to write that “Oh come on, that’s not how depression medication works” but then I realized it shows perfectly why is it so hard for doctors to pick a depression medication that works for you, personally. So another good one.
Also, I hope you get well.
When you find peace, that’s all that matters.
Is the same Dr from Toonworld Shrink? They look very similar.
Could be! I had that comic in mind when I made this one, but didn’t look it up for reference. I think I was going for a slight Sigmund Freud-ish resemblance in both cases.
Oh god, that’s EXACTLY how my antidepressants works! :D