Restless Sleep by Kristian on November 2, 2009 at 00:00 Chapter: Comic Yes, more zombies! Liked it? Take a second to support Kristian on Patreon! └ Tags: graveyards, kids, page format, pantomime, zombies
He’s a very responsible husband and parent, if nothing else. R.I.P.
giga LOL!
That is total win. I love how his kid’s like “Hi Dad!”
Thanks guys!
@dagfooyo: Hah yeah, that still cracks me up. I tried out a few different expressions for the kid, but none of them had quite the effect of this one.
This gag was used in Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck’s Revenge!
Hah, seriously? I can’t remember a scene like this, but it has to be at least 10-15 years since I last played (and loved) Monkey Island 2.
It is to do with one of the guys who owns the Steamin’ Weenie Hut near the fire where you start the game. It might be one of those puzzles that you only get if you play in the hard mode, not sure.